Sunday, September 16, 2012

Trash Diggers...

Living in an apartment complex has it's perks.  Our mailbox is one of three hundred, all located in a building near the clubhouse.  A trash can is conveniently located where residents can throw their "junk mail" away before arriving back home.

Now, let me just say that digging through the trash is not a typical adventure the Gunnings participate in; however, this week we received a coupon in the mail to try out a new frozen yogurt place called "Cherry on Top".  This coupon is good for a 7 oz. cup of free frozen yogurt.  Our original purpose for looking in the trash was to find one more so that we could each have one, but the idea of free ice cream for the rest of the year got the best of us!  I spent a few minutes digging through our complex trash can, and we walked away with a few more...

Over night we realized that a few more wasn't enough!  The next day, after church, Nate and I went to other apartment complexes around us to check their mail room trash cans.  One word can describe this experience... JACKPOT!!!

After the best trash digging experience I have ever had, Nate and I enjoyed 7 oz. of delicious tasting frozen yogurt.  On the way out, the lady who served us said, "Thanks for coming.  Come back and see us again!"

And in my head I thought, "Oh, we'll be back... about 49 more times!"


  1. Seriously the funniest post I've read all month! Thanks for the laughs and congratulations on all those great coupons. Totally worth the trash can digging!

  2. Oh you guys make me laugh. I think I need to place a trash container next to my cluster of mailboxes.

  3. This is awesome. I love you guys. And I also love frozen yogurt, especially when its free.

  4. awesome! i would totally do that for free frozen yogurt. and cute purple pants! where are they from?

  5. bahahahahahah extreme couponers!!!!! love it. Might I just add that I now have to add one more blog to my friends and I honestly can't remember how to do that so thanks a lot!

  6. OH MY GOD thank you for this. I thought I was the only person that did this and felt like a crazy trash person. I LOVE the photos, and dying laughing at the last comment I can't tell you how many times that's gone through my head as I smirk when I go somewhere to get something with a coupon for free and secretly have 100 more "Come back and see us soon!" ...Oh, I will.. see ya in an hour! Me and my friend both do this and we joke about coming back into stores with wigs and costumes, rofl
