Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Moving Day...

It's nice to live in Colorado for many reasons, but the #1 nicest reason became evident last May when we had lots of family to help Nate and I move into our new apartment!  Everyone helped.  My mom watched all the kids while we got our muscles together to move everything from one apartment to the other.  Luckily, we were moving into a bigger one-bedroom apartment in the same complex, so it was "quick".   

My family is a lot like an ant farm.  No one asked any questions, people silently piled on as many boxes and bags as they could carry, and loaded it into the cars.  The bad news was I lived on the third floor, and we were moving onto the third floor of another building.  Good thing we all have "runner's legs"... nice and strong!  As the last few loads were brought up to the new apartment, family members started dropping like flies.  We were exhausted...

Nate and I spent the weekend trapped in the apartment, putting things away, hanging pictures, painting that hideous green wall, and getting settled.  Our apartment is perfect, and what we call home!

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