Wednesday, July 10, 2013

We're back... and yet, we're gone...

Remember that time we got married, and we said we would blog about all the fun stuff we do?  Yea, there's really only two possibilities to explain why we haven't posted anything since February...

1. We aren't having any fun, so there's nothing to blog about.  Or..
2. We are having so much fun, we don't have enough time to blog about it!

I hope you guessed #2.  Well, there's good news.  Time seems to be in excess these days because we moved to Clovis, New Mexico, so I'll have plenty of time to blog!!!  Clovis is a small town in eastern New Mexico, described as a dusty, desert town.  It's not that small; populating about 35,000 people, and we're determined to explore every nook and cranny of this town and the surrounding ones!

Everyone helped us pack up a truck, then mom and dad helped us make the drive across the country... okay, just across the state line!

On Saturday morning, we unpacked the truck in a mere 45 minutes (thanks to the guys from church who came to help), and my mom and dad left Nate and me to do the fun stuff... unpack!!!

It was a fast goodbye, and I didn't feel the effects of them being gone until later that night.  Believe me, I cried like a little baby.  But it's time to face the facts.  We are New Mexicans now.  I don't live in the same apartment complex with two of my sisters and their families anymore.  I don't live 2 miles away from my parents and other sister.  I don't have the ability to see my brother, sister-in-law, and two babies (age 7 and 2... still my babies) whenever I want.  Homesick will be part my soul now.  Sounds depressing, right?!  Don't let me fool you... Nate and I couldn't be more excited about this new opportunity. 

Let the new adventures begin.  And this time I promise will probably blog more often so that our families and friends can keep up with our latest and greatest adventures.  The most current adventure we are embarking on is buying a home.  More pictures to come!

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