Sunday, December 30, 2012

An Arizona Christmas...

We didn't take nearly enough pictures to capture the amount of fun we had in Arizona this last trip.  The week was packed with family and friends,  just the way it should be.  We played cards, watched movies, made sugar cookies, ate A LOT of food, hiked a mountain, and discovered an old game called "Pass the Pigs" that was tucked away in the Gunning closet.

On Christmas Eve, we had dinner at Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Bill's house.  We set up three tables in the garage and ate hot dogs, beans, salad, and a variety of desserts.  We also had the best hot chocolate that I've ever had!  Here are some pics from Christmas Eve.

Christmas was awesome.  We had breakfast at Reed and Kristy's house, presents, lunch, and cards at Kathy's house, and a dinner party at Nana and Papi's!  Let's just say we were exhausted by the end of the day.

After we awoke from our Christmas coma, we spent a few more days hanging out and playing.  We went to the temple, hit up the mall, ate at a few more of Nate's hotspots, and played hard!

On our last night in Arizona, Kathy took us to the best Italian restaurant.  We ended the night with one more round of Rummy and a few games of Pass the Pigs.  With bloodshot eyes and full bellies, we said our goodbyes.

Another great trip for the books.  Can't wait to go back in a few months :)

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